Sulfuric acid has many uses and is one of the main products of the chemical industry. In the wet method of production of phosphoric acid, which is used to make phosphate fertilizer and also....
PUPUK UREA NON-SUBSIDI Origin : Indonesia Spesification Nitrogen = 46% Ex. Pupuk Kujang, Pusri or Pupuk Kaltim FOT Warehouse Franco Site Pembeli
Perusahaan Bergerak dibidang Kontraktor, Pengadaan barang Dan jasa. Pengadaan bibit tanaman, alat - alat, obat - obatan dan sarana pertanian, kehutanan, perkebunan dan lingkungan hidup.
Herewith the information that you need for : 1. Red Dragon Super Premium ( size large, diameter 8 cm above) 2. Weight of 2 pair each fruit are equal to 1Kg 3. All using organic, we not used any....
The completeness of the production of compost using Biophoskko� � Rotary Klin type for this communal scale ( several RT, housing blocks, RW, markets, hotels, factories and commercial areas) has become....
PT. Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana ( CVSK) derived from CV and a legal entity in 2005 to Limited Company ( PT) with Ano Notaries Muhammad, SH No. 5 and No. RI Department of Justice Registration No.C-....
NUBIOC Fertilizer Natural Bio-Organic Compos have Contains N, P, K, etc or Soil Conditioner for Land and plantation
We are the supplier and Contractor Speciality Of Chemicals, Instrument Laboratorium, Mechanical, electrical , safety and Reclamation Environmental. We have stock for Instrument Laboratory of....
Pupuk NUBIOC Organic Powder Kemasan : 25 Kg / Karung.
Function: 1.Pupuk - Improving the quality of fruit - Accelerating the growth of plants 2. Fluxing agent: - Efficiency in the combustion chamber to screen and ceramic industries 3. - Glue....