Search pt in Sell List - Kota Balikpapan - Kalimantan Timur Province - Indonesia - Show All Valid - RSS - Indonesia - Kalimantan Timur - Balikpapan | Import Export Trade Leads MarketplaceenSat, 22 Mar 2025 10:21:19 +0700Indotrade.coSell: Jasa Pengasapan Fogging Penyemprotan nyamuk | kecoa | lalat | ulat | kutu | Kalimantan [Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Jasa Pengasapan Fogging Penyemprotan nyamuk | kecoa | lalat | ulat | kutu | Kalimantan" id=""></a>We provide services of fumigation spraying pests such as mosquitoes and cockroaches.
Company <B>PT</B>. SYAHRAYA INDONESIA is a company in the field of pest services.
Call serve a variety of customers, ..../Jasahamakalimantan/5855002/jasa-pengasapan-fogging-penyemprotan-nyamuk-kecoa-lalat.htmSYAHRAYA INDONESIA jasa pengendalian hama20150811050049Sell: Jasa Fogging-Pengasapan-Pengembunan-Spraying nyamuk DBD Balikpapan-Samarinda-Berau Kalimantan Timur [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Jasa Fogging-Pengasapan-Pengembunan-Spraying nyamuk DBD Balikpapan-Samarinda-Berau Kalimantan Timur" id=""></a>To prevent the spread of dengue hemorrhagic fever ( DBD) , <B>PT</B>. SYAHRAYA INDONESIA fogging ( fumigation) and the general focus in a number of places where people have been stricken with dengue.
..../SPOKERS/5300144/jasa-fogging-pengasapan-pengembunan-spraying-nyamuk-dbd.htmSEPATUKU20141014013141Sell: Jasa Fogging-Pengasapan-Pengembunan-Abateisasi-Spraying nyamuk DBD Balikpapan-Samarinda Kalimantan.... [BALIKPAPAN, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Jasa Fogging-Pengasapan-Pengembunan-Abateisasi-Spraying nyamuk DBD Balikpapan-Samarinda Kalimantan...." id=""></a>As a tangible proof of <B>PT</B>. SYAHRAYA INDONESIA for care in land area, serving mosquito fogging service calls.
To prevent the spread of dengue hemorrhagic fever ( DHF) , <B>PT</B>. SYAHRAYA INDONESIA..../LELANGKU/5300720/jasa-fogging-pengasapan-pengembunan-abateisasi-spraying.htmLELANGKU20141014061200Sell: Instalasi Produksi Kompos Kota ( IPKK) - Peluang Bisnis [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Instalasi Produksi Kompos Kota ( IPKK) - Peluang Bisnis" id=""></a>The completeness of the production of compost using Biophoskko� � Rotary Klin type for this communal scale ( several RT, housing blocks, RW, markets, hotels, factories and commercial areas) has become..../kypo/2114143/instalasi-produksi-kompos-kota-ipkk-peluang-bisnis.htmMesin Pengolah Sampah dan Limbah l Mesin Pencacah Organik l Mesin Pengayak Kompos - www....20100829035626Sell: Jual BBM Solar Industri Non-Subsidi [Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Jual BBM Solar Industri Non-Subsidi" id=""></a>Dear,
Father / Mother
With Regards,
We introduce the Company <B>PT</B>.SURYA INDAH JAYA engaged in the marketing as follows: Marketing the product form of fuel / Solar Industry..../suryaindahjaya/2566980/jual-bbm-solar-industri-non-subsidi.htmPT. SURYA INDAH JAYA MOBILE BUNKER AGENT20110420060620Sell: Soes Kering Keju [BALIKPAPAN, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Soes Kering Keju" id=""></a><B>PT</B>. Kartika Sari Inti Sejati ( <B>PT</B>.KIS) is a subsidiary of KARTIKA SARI, a well known bakery retail in Balikpapan, east kalimantan ( BORNEO) , IFF YOU WANT PLEASE CALL ME/CV_KUMALA_IND_CO/3084064/soes-kering-keju.htmCV. KUMALA INDUSTRIES CORPORATION20111221083044