Produsen Penjual / Distributor Alat Pemadam Api [ APAR ] Maxguard Fire di Yogyakarta
Gauge Pressure Instant Eye Tells the condition.
Press Estimator tool can tell whether the extinguisher is still functioning or not. The tool is still in good shape when the gauge needle is in the green area. ( The pressure ranges from 12-15 kg / cm2)
Construction is perfectly airtight developed by " MAXGUARD FIRE"
Moisture which is the main enemy of fire extinguishers, such as clot symptoms will not occur in MAXGUARD FIRE ( moist, clotted) .
Fire extinguisher " MAXGUARD" Dry Chemical Powder reliable versatile remain potent for a long time.
Nitrogen ( N2) as a means of driving
Strength spray out which is always stable driving is guaranteed by means of Nitrogen ( N2) is hardly affected by humidity and changes in the surrounding temperature.
Famous High Quality
Fire extinguisher " MAXGUARD FIRE" Multipurpose Dry Chemical Powder high quality developed by " MAXGUARD FIRE" by using a technique pioneer who won popularity due to power outage great and remain stable.
Quickly extinguish all types of fire
Amazing power outage for any kind of fire, fire " A" Wood, Paper, Textile, Rubber, etc. Fire " B" Oil and Gas. Fire " C" Electricity.
Security is assured because it is not harmful to humans and animals.
That expenditure can be in Control
Spraying the powder can be carried out or stopped by pressing or releasing of the control. Security and efficiency guaranteed even for fires that occur together in two places.
Easy To Use
Fire can be done easily by simply pulling Pen Security and pressing of the control.
* Fill back once used MAXGUARD FIRE
* Of the control should not be in the massage except unti fire fighting